How To Fix “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” in Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a powerful tool that helps website owners to monitor their site’s performance and identify any issues that may be affecting their visibility in search results. However, when you encounter an error message like “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” in Google Search Console, it can be frustrating and confusing. In this article, we will discuss what this error means and how to fix it to ensure your website is performing optimally.

What is the “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” error?

The “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” error is a status code that indicates the website you are trying to access has blocked your request because it is unauthorized. This error message typically appears when you are trying to access a resource that requires authentication, but your request lacks the necessary credentials to access that resource.

There are several reasons why you may encounter this error message in Google Search Console. One common reason is when you try to access a page that is behind a login screen, and you do not have the necessary login credentials. Another reason could be that the URL you are trying to access has been restricted by the website owner or administrator.

How to fix the “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” error in Google Search Console

If you encounter the “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” error in Google Search Console, there are several steps you can take to fix the issue and ensure your website is performing optimally.

Step 1: Check for login credentials

If you are trying to access a page that requires login credentials, ensure you have the necessary credentials to access that page. If you do not have the login credentials, you may need to contact the website owner or administrator to request access to the resource.

Step 2: Check for URL restrictions

If the URL you are trying to access has been restricted by the website owner or administrator, you may need to contact them to request access to the resource. Alternatively, you may need to adjust your search settings in Google Search Console to ensure you are not requesting restricted URLs.

Step 3: Check for server configuration issues

If you have ruled out login credentials and URL restrictions as the cause of the error, you may need to check for server configuration issues. This could be caused by misconfigured server settings, firewall issues, or other network-related issues. You may need to contact your web hosting provider or IT team to help you resolve these issues.

Step 4: Verify ownership of your website

Another possible cause of the “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” error in Google Search Console is a verification issue. To ensure that you are the owner of the website, you will need to verify your website in Google Search Console. This involves adding a code snippet to your website’s header or verifying ownership through your domain provider. Once your website is verified, you should be able to access Google Search Console without encountering this error message.

Step 5: Check for crawl errors

Finally, you may need to check for crawl errors in Google Search Console. Crawl errors can prevent Google from indexing your website and can lead to issues like the “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” error. To check for crawl errors, navigate to the “Coverage” section in Google Search Console and review any errors or warnings listed. If you identify any crawl errors, you will need to resolve them to ensure your website is performing optimally.

The “Blocked due to unauthorized request (401)” error in Google Search Console can be frustrating and confusing, but it is usually easy to fix once you identify the cause. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to identify the root cause of the error and resolve it quickly. Remember to check for login credentials, URL restrictions, server configuration issues, verification issues, and crawl errors to ensure your website is performing